whither student politics..the afternoon forum discussion.

few people and fewer alive inside the room.
pathak walks in..silence.
the speaker,a prof refuses to start the talk and insists that a student should initiate.

why should one involve oneself in politics??

so the student leader starts,the podium..under his control and his voice the weapon.
outrightly starts from his humble roots and politics back home.(susan enters the room,i am reminded that when her class started at 9 in the morning i was sleeping....ouch!!)campaining for his party under the cover of the forum's topic.OUR students engaging in 'youth for equality',AAI.,not to forget NBA....showing solidarity..well yeah i am reminded that the elections are approaching in the first week of november.

another talks of the progressive politics ...of producing not political leaders but political activists...i come from small background,never cheat or dope in my life,crack the enerance,go to IIM,A..then to US as a finance banker and then to new yrk,my office the WTO and at 9am on 9/11 .bang i am dead.
whats my fault,i never did any harm to anyone in life..
the left would put the act as..cant rem the word...the result of american foriegn policy..the culmination resulted in that,which could well be just a trailor....in india, (is that like a warning..do politics u educated fools or u will be affected..will be death)the RS is full of industrialists,wealthy politics..so is there really a connection between the rich and the poor r is it so that the rich produce the richer and the poor the poor again..
(dude where are the students in your politics)

someone's phone beeped..regular huh!

ok so now we have a bit of philosiphy as well.mohammad starts with how student politics is baned in state univ in hyderabad.
it becomes a moral topic,well u are going to die one day..so the choice is your's ..die with or without doing anything at all..what is morality yaar???(ashok's rememnered question)
chose to fight or not..fight what??
we all are in politics ..being in jnu or a democratic country like our's...we cant remain un affected by it..but we have to chose,to sit back or to fight..
fight??terrorism..the americans,their policies..the reservations,the line outside the computer centre,the price hike of those crackers..the poor,the rich,the library books...the the what ...

seniors busy in filing their NET forms.i see another making use of her FM radio in the phone

uma starts with not agendas but dialectics..questions..(lack of prepration or playing smart by just questioning..??)is jnusu the entire face of jnu politics,the only way to reach the administrators..to get water,hostels,mcms..blah blahs..mocks the GBM where chairs ud not be broken as they were few and occupied..why the violence??? sreedeep walks out.politics-students or ideology based?sc students less in politics..why??
is it essential for a dyanmic student community to have active politics....
student politics..synonomous with jnu but is it also the other way round??

well i can ask..whither student politics or wither away student politics


sam said…
completely agree with you, especially on the boredom of it all... Nice poetry on the later posts btw, though i personally like narratives like this better

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