This was en route since last year. Though it’s not making it then, gave me an even huger push to make it float this year....
But then somehow it got shelved under the load of the lectures, assignments, hanging out, other plans and other activities. But then one day, sitting outside SIS with enthu frens,filmstorming, something in me decides to come up with something concrete seriously...seemed it was time..
Well it was time, to do things that would probably add more value to it all, to express thoughts and expressions, to exploit the platform given to us, to utilize the time we waste, to play with words and graphics, to bring out the hidden talent ,to vent out our annoyance on the ‘system’ or with everything…even more getting in touch with old friends and people from across the campus and even beyond…
This is an attempt to deliver words with tones and gestures to make it memorable, and the depth, to make it look at situations with lucidity and aggressiveness, instead of burying our heads in the sand. Even though, for those who are looking for solutions, they may not immediately or even remotely show themselves, an optimist, philosophical attitude could soften the cutting edge of any obstacle. From what we do to what we r supposed to do, how hard we try and sometimes..just let it go..


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